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Manual Node Installation

This guide shows how to install and run an Algorand node on your system. It covers installation methods for both Linux distributions and MacOS, with Linux users having the option of package manager or updater script installation.

Installation Methods

There are two different methods for installing Algorand nodes depending on your operating system. Choose the approach that works for your platform and preferences.

Choose one installation method and stick with it. Mixing methods can lead to complex troubleshooting issues. If the package manager method is available for your Linux system, it is strongly recommended over the updater script method.

Package Manager Method

Supported on Debian-based (Ubuntu, Linux Mint) and Red Hat-based (Fedora, CentOS) distributions.

Recommended for users on supported Linux distributions. This method provides automated updates, a fixed directory structure, and a pre-configured system service, simplifying maintenance.

Updater Script Method

Supported on Linux distributions and MacOS.

Required for MacOS users and supported for all Linux distributions. This method allows customizable data directory location. However, it uses a manual update process. It works with MacOS and all Linux distributions, including openSUSE Leap, Manjaro, Mageia, Alpine, and Solus.

Alternative Options


Official Docker images are available from Docker Hub.


You can build native binaries using Rand Labs’ repository or use a third-party tool like FUNC.


If you need a private network for development, consider using AlgoKit for a simpler setup. Even without running a node, installing Algorand software provides access to essential developer tools such as msgpacktool and algokey, along with other development utilities.

Hardware Requirements

Participation Nodes

Participation nodes are actively involved in the Algorand consensus protocol by proposing and voting on blocks. They require higher network bandwidth to communicate with other nodes efficiently.

  • 8 vCPU
  • 16 GB RAM
  • 100 GB NVMe SSD or equivalent
  • 1 Gbps connection with low latency (< 100ms)

Non-Participation Nodes

Non-participation nodes maintain a current copy of the blockchain but do not participate in consensus, so the hardware requirements are somewhat lower than for participation nodes. Non-participating nodes are useful for API endpoints and development environments.

  • 8 vCPU
  • 8 GB RAM
  • 100 GB NVMe SSD or equivalent
  • 100Mbps connection with low latency (< 100ms)

Archival Nodes

Archival nodes store the entire history of the blockchain from genesis, making them valuable for applications requiring historical data access. They need significantly more storage than other node types.

  • 8 vCPU
  • 16 GB RAM
  • Storage:
  • 5 TB/month egress
  • 1 Gbps connection with low latency (< 100ms)

Info: While directly-attached NVMe SSDs are recommended, AWS EBS gp3 volumes have proven sufficient as of October 2022. Monitor performance closely and be prepared to upgrade if TPS increases significantly.

Package Manager Installation

The package manager installs Algorand node software in the standard system locations:

  • Binary files: /usr/bin
  • Data directory: /var/lib/algorand
  • KMD files: ${HOME}/.algorand/kmd-version

See Node Artifacts for a complete list of installed files.

It is recommended to configure the environment by adding to your shell config file (~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc):

export ALGORAND_DATA=/var/lib/algorand

This sets a permanent environment variable that tells Algorand tools where to find your node’s data directory, eliminating the need to specify it with the -d flag in every command.


For Debian-Based Systems (Ubuntu, Linux Mint)

  1. First, update your system and install required packages:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install -y gnupg2 curl software-properties-common
  2. Add Algorand’s repository and security key:

    curl -o - | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/algorand.asc
    sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] stable main"
    sudo apt-get update
  3. Install Algorand (choose one option):

    # Option A: Install Algorand with developer tools
    sudo apt-get install -y algorand-devtools
    # Option B: Install only Algorand node
    sudo apt-get install -y algorand

Post-Installation Notes

After installation, Algorand is configured as a system service and starts automatically on MainNet. See switching networks for details on changing to another network.

All core binaries are installed in /usr/bin, so you can run algod and goal commands from any directory. Your node’s data will be stored in /var/lib/algorand.

Since the data directory /var/lib/algorand is owned by the user algorand and the daemon algod is run as the user algorand, operations related to wallets and accounts (goal account ... and goal wallet ...) need to be run as the user algorand. For example, to list participation keys, use:

# If $ALGORAND_DATA is set:
sudo -u algorand -E goal account listpartkeys
# If $ALGORAND_DATA is not set:
sudo -u algorand -E goal account listpartkeys -d /var/lib/algorand

Additional tools are available through separate packages:

  • Developer utilities through the algorand-devtools package
  • Extra tools like pingpong in the tools_stable_linux-amd64_2.1.6.tar.gz package

Installing the Developer Tools

The algorand-devtools package (introduced in version 2.1.5) provides additional developer utilities:

  • carpenter
  • catchupsrv
  • msgpacktool
  • tealcut
  • tealdbg

Installation is straightforward using your system’s package manager (apt or yum). The package manager will handle dependencies automatically:

  • If Algorand is not installed, it will be installed automatically
  • If Algorand is already installed, it will be updated if needed

See the installation instructions above for detailed installation commands.

Managing Your Node

The node starts automatically after package manager installation. To control the node manually, use the following commands:

To start your node:

sudo systemctl start algorand

To stop your node:

sudo systemctl stop algorand

To check your node’s status:

goal node status -d /var/lib/algorand

Updater Script Installation

The updater script installation requires two main directories:

  • Binary directory (recommended: ~/node) - Contains Algorand executables
  • Data directory (recommended: ~/node/data) - Stores blockchain and node data

When updating, the script archives your existing installation before overwriting the binaries. Configure your environment by adding to your shell config file (~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc):

export ALGORAND_DATA="$HOME/node/data"
export PATH="$HOME/node:$PATH"

These settings tell Algorand tools where to find your data directory and make goal commands directly executable.

MacOS Installation

Verified on OSX v12.3.1 (Monterey).

  1. Create and enter the installation directory:

    mkdir ~/node
    cd ~/node
  2. Download and prepare the updater script:

    curl -O
    chmod 744
  3. Run the installer:

    ./ -i -c stable -p ~/node -d ~/node/data -n

    For beta releases, use -c beta instead of -c stable.

    The installer will download and install the latest package from S3. The -n flag prevents automatic node startup. All binaries, including developer tools, are included in this installation.

  4. Configure your environment by adding to your shell config file (~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc):

    These environment variables help you run goal commands without specifying the data directory each time.

    export ALGORAND_DATA="$HOME/node/data"
    export PATH="$HOME/node:$PATH"

Running the Node as a macOS Service

This section outlines the basic steps to install prerequisites, create a launch service (.plist), and keep your Algorand node running automatically on macOS.

  1. Initial Setup tasks

    1. Install Homebrew

      Visit Homebrew’s official site for installation instructions.

    2. Install bash

      brew install bash
    3. (Optional) Install Netdata

      Netdata helps monitor system metrics in real time.

      brew install netdata
    4. Disable Sleep

      To prevent macOS from suspending your node, you can disable sleep targets:

      sudo systemctl mask
  2. Creating the Managed Service

    Create a .plist file to automatically start and manage algod on macOS. Below is an example; adjust paths as necessary:

    Terminal window
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "<$>
    <plist version="1.0">
    1. Copy .plist to the Service Directory

      Place the file in /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.algorand.plist (system-wide) or in ~/Library/LaunchAgents/ (user-only). It’s recommended to name the file as com.algorand.plist.

    2. Launch the service

      sudo launchctl bootstrap system `/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.algorand.plist
    3. Confirm that the service is running by doing launchctl list and grepping for the service name algorand:

      sudo launchctl list | grep algorand

    If you need to make changes to the plist file, first run:

    sudo launchctl bootout system /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.algorand.plist

    Then re-load after making changes.

Once complete, algod will automatically start at boot and stay running in the background under the configured .plist settings.

Post-Installation Notes

After installation, your node must be started manually. Your data will be stored in the directory you specified during installation (recommended: ~/node/data).

Unlike package manager installations where binaries are in /usr/bin, your binaries will be in your specified installation directory (recommended: ~/node). Make sure you’ve set up your environment variables as instructed above to run commands from any directory.

The installation includes all binaries, including developer tools - there is no separate devtools package. This differs from package manager installations which separate these packages.

Managing Your Node

Unlike package manager installations, nodes installed via the updater script must be started manually. To control the node manually, use the following commands:

To start your node:

goal node start

To stop your node:

goal node stop

To verify your node is running:

pgrep algod

Setting Up systemd Service

When installing using the updater script, several shell scripts are bundled in the tarball to help with running algod. One of these is the script to create a system service.

Usage: ./ username group [bindir]


  1. Create the service with root privileges:

    sudo ./ algorand algorand

    This creates /lib/systemd/system/algorand@.service using the included template (algorand@.service.template). The template file includes helpful information at its top and is worth reviewing.

  2. Specify binary location (optional):

    ExecStart=@@BINDIR@@/algod -d %I

    The service template above shows how systemd locates your algod binary. By default, it uses the current working directory, but you can specify a different location using the bindir parameter, which must be an absolute path:

    sudo ./ algorand algorand /path/to/binary/directory
  3. Register the service:

    sudo systemctl daemon-reload

    This command makes systemd aware that the service is present on the system. You should also run this command if you make any changes to the service after installation.

  4. Start the service:

    sudo systemctl start algorand@$(systemd-escape $ALGORAND_DATA)

    This command starts the Algorand service using your data directory path (specified by $ALGORAND_DATA). The systemd-escape command formats the path to be compatible with systemd.

    To configure the service to start automatically when your system boots:

    sudo systemctl enable algorand@$(systemd-escape $ALGORAND_DATA)

Synchronizing Your Node

After starting your node for the first time, it needs to synchronize with the network by downloading and validating the blockchain. There are two methods for this:

Standard Synchronization

When using standard synchronization, your node downloads and validates every block since genesis. This process can take several hours or even days, depending on your hardware and network connection.

To check your node’s sync status:

goal node status

A fully synchronized node will show a “Sync Time” of 0.0s, like this:

Last committed block: 125064
Time since last block: 3.1s
Sync Time: 0.0s
Last consensus protocol:
Next consensus protocol:
Round for next consensus protocol: 125065
Next consensus protocol supported: true
Genesis ID: testnet-v1.0
Genesis hash: SGO1GKSzyE7IEPItTxCByw9x8FmnrCDexi9/cOUJOiI=

Fast Catchup

Fast catchup significantly accelerates the synchronization process by using catchpoint snapshots. Instead of processing every block, your node downloads a recent snapshot of the blockchain state and then synchronizes only the most recent blocks.

However, keep in mind that fast-catchup requires trusting the entity providing the catchpoint. For maximum security, either use a catchpoint from your own archival node or synchronize from genesis.

Latest Catchpoints

Get the most recent catchpoint for your network:

Fast Catchup Process

  1. Start your node if it isn’t running:

    goal node start
  2. Use the catchup command with your network’s current catchpoint from from the catchpoint URL:

  3. Check your node’s sync status:

    goal node status -w 1000

    The -w flag updates the status every 1000 milliseconds (1 second). Press Ctrl/Cmd+C to stop monitoring. During catchup, you’ll see additional status lines showing progress:

    Catchpoint total accounts: 1146
    Catchpoint accounts processed: 1146
    Catchpoint total blocks: 1000
    Catchpoint downloaded blocks: 81

    Your node is fully synchronized when these catchpoint lines disappear and “Sync Time” shows 0.0s.

Troubleshooting Fast Catchup

If fast-catchup fails, verify:

  • Your node is not configured as archival or relay
  • You’re running the latest Algorand software (goal version -v)
  • The catchpoint matches your network’s Genesis ID
  • Your hardware meets the requirements
  • Your system has sufficient memory
  • You’re using an SSD (not HDD) for storage

If you accidentally used fast-catchup on an archival node:

  1. Stop the node

    goal node stop
  2. Remove all files in the data directory except:

    • Configuration files (*.json)
    • Genesis files (genesis*)
  3. Restart the node

    goal node start

Enabling Telemetry

Algorand nodes include telemetry instrumentation that can provide insights into the software’s performance and usage. This data helps Algorand Inc. improve the software and identify issues. Telemetry is disabled by default - no data will be shared unless you explicitly enable it.

Managing Telemetry

Enable Telemetry

You can enable telemetry with or without a custom hostname. Using a custom hostname helps identify your node in telemetry data.

To enable with a custom hostname:

# For updater script installations:
diagcfg telemetry name -n <hostname>
# For package manager installations:
sudo -u algorand -H -E diagcfg telemetry name -n <hostname>

Replace <hostname> with your desired identifier (e.g., ‘MainNetRelay1’ or ‘TestNetNode2’).

To enable without a custom hostname:

# For updater script installations:
diagcfg telemetry enable
# For package manager installations:
sudo -u algorand -H -E diagcfg telemetry enable

After enabling or disabling telemetry, restart your node for the changes to take effect.

Disable Telemetry

To disable telemetry:

# For updater script installations:
diagcfg telemetry disable
# For package manager installations:
sudo -u algorand -H -E diagcfg telemetry disable

Verifying Telemetry Status

Check Configuration

To verify your telemetry settings:

# For updater script installations:
diagcfg telemetry
# For package manager installations:
sudo -u algorand -H -E diagcfg telemetry

Check Connection

To verify if your node is connected to the telemetry server:

sudo netstat -an | grep :9243

If telemetry is enabled and working, you’ll see output like:


If telemetry is disabled or not working, this command will produce no output.

Technical Details

  • Telemetry configuration is stored in ~/.algorand/logging.config (or data/logging.config if -d data was specified)
  • For package manager installations, always run telemetry commands as the algorand user with -H -E flags
  • Never run telemetry commands as root (don’t use sudo directly with diagcfg)
  • The -H flag ensures the correct home directory is used for the algorand user

Third-Party Telemetry Services

Nodely Telemetry Service

In addition to Algorand’s default telemetry service, you can send your node’s telemetry data to Nodely’s free third-party service. Nodely provides additional features including:

  • Health scoring based on multiple metrics
  • Voting performance monitoring
  • Network performance analytics
  • Synchronization monitoring
  • Public leaderboards
  • Global node comparison dashboard

For more details about Nodely’s telemetry service, see their telemetry documentation.